Revealing Jesus

Month September 2024

That I May Know Him

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 Hello Amazing Reader,  Welcome to a beautiful, new week that the Lord has made. You will rejoice and be glad all through the week, in Jesus name.  For today’s meditation, we’re brooding over a portion of Apostle Paul’s letter to… Continue Reading →

The Outpouring UK

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Hello 1nebody community, Happy weekend! I hope your weekend is going well. Remember on this week’s #ReviewThursday, I shared that I went to the Upper Room for the first time last week Sunday. Well, after the Upper Room comes the… Continue Reading →

Upper Room UK

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Hello 1nebody, The blog turned 7 yesterday! Woohoo! Can you believe that?! God has been faithful! We thank God for our reading community, the team, and our support system. 7 is the number of perfection and we pray for God’s… Continue Reading →

Generational Refuge

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Hello 1nebody, Happy New Month! Welcome to the Ember months! God’s mercy precedes you and His face guides you throughout this month in Jesus’ name, Amen! You are loved and protected by your Heavenly Father. People talk a lot about… Continue Reading →

The Covenant Nation is 30!

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Did you see the build-up to this event? The 30 push-ups from individuals, skits created from Pst Poju’s messages, group dances, and so on. If you watched any of these submissions, you’ll agree that the spirit of creativity is on… Continue Reading →

Understanding Divine Direction by David O. Oyedepo

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Hello Amazing Reader, Trust you are well and already enjoying God’s blessings this September. Have you joined the 1nebody book club community? If you haven’t, what are you waiting for? We’ve been having a great learning experience. In this review,… Continue Reading →

Representing Jesus in your Workplace 

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Hello Amazing Reader,  Happy September! Praying you experience the great things God has in store for you in this new month, in Jesus name.  Today, September 2 is Labour Day in Canada and America; a day to celebrate the contribution… Continue Reading →

Upper Room UK

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Hello 1nebody community, Welcome to September! Sincere apologies for the delayed post. Praying for God’s protection over you and yours in the last four months of 2024, in Jesus name, Amen. Where are my London people? The eagle is coming… Continue Reading →

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