Revealing Jesus

Author 1nebody

Raising Impact Makers in our Time

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Hello Amazing Reader, It’s great to have you here. How has your week been? Mine seems to have been racing by, in a good way 🙂 I’ve been watching/ listening to The Intentional Parent Annual Conference, and it’s been too… Continue Reading →

No Ouch Words

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Hello Amazing Reader, Welcome to another Meditation edition. Did you have a restful weekend? I pray this week, our words, actions and thoughts give glory to God, in Jesus name. Have you ever experienced a situation where someone reminded you… Continue Reading →

RCCG 72nd Annual Convention 

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Hello Amazing Reader,   Welcome to another Showcase edition, where we share faith-based events happening around you.  The Redeemed Christian Church of God is set for its 72nd annual convention, with the theme, Heaven. It will hold from August 5th –11th… Continue Reading →

God is in the details- Anu Olorunsogo Ebozoje

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Hello Amazing Reader,  I hope you’ve had a great week so far.  Do you ever find yourself staring at nature? Maybe the skies, plants, trees, rainfall, hailstones, snow, or other elements?  Something similar happened to Anu Olorunsogo Ebozoje, the author… Continue Reading →

The Voice of the Shepherd

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Hello Amazing Reader, It’s a beautiful day and the beginning of another great week. May all we lay our hands to do in this new week prosper, in Jesus name.  Did you make it to fellowship at church over the… Continue Reading →

Healing & Revival Fire Conference (Houston Texas 2024)

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Hello Amazing Reader, We come bearing good news, as always. The Healing & Revival Fire Conference by the Dunamis International Gospel Centre is only two days away. Are you in Houston, or anywhere in the United States of America? You… Continue Reading →

What I learned from the men who imparted into me the most- Jerry Savelle

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Hello Amazing Reader, How are you today and how has your week been? It’s three days to the second half of 2024. I hope you’re looking forward to a successful close of the first half and a more glorious H2…. Continue Reading →

The Gift of Prayer

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Hello Amazing Reader, Welcome to your best week yet. It’s the last week of June, and the last week in the first half of 2024. God’s word assures us that better is the end of a matter, than the beginning… Continue Reading →

Recharge Conference 2024

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Hello Amazing Reader, Trust you are well and having a great weekend. Do you realize the second half of the year is only about two weeks away? Thank God for His preservation over us. What are your expectations for the… Continue Reading →

Longing of my heart- Chimdi Ochei (ft. Nathaniel Bassey)

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Image source: Chimdi Ochei’s YouTube Channel Hello Amazing Reader, Trust you are keeping well and having a great week. Did you join the recently concluded Hallelujah Challenge? It was the seventh anniversary edition with the theme, “7 Days of Perfected… Continue Reading →

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