Revealing Jesus

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That valley will be filled with water

Good morning to you! It's Meditation Monday and I've got a word from the Lord to you...He says to let you know that valley will be filled with water.

Reading from 2 Kings 3:1-17; the Kings of Israel, Judah and Edom set out to fight against the King of Moab and for seven whole days they were faced with a drought. They had no water for the troops and the animals. One would wonder what strength was left to fight a battle after such an experience. In the midst of this situation, Jehoshaphat (the King of Judah) asked "is there no prophet of the Lord here, through whom we may inquire of the Lord?" (NIV) Guess what? They realized Elisha was within reach, they met him and he prophesied that "you will neither see wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water,and you,your cattle and other animals will drink."

But errr excuse me man of God, we've actually been on this journey for seven days. It hasn't rained once,hence this situation we've found ourselves. Moreover, it doesn't look like rain anytime soon and yet you say this valley will be filled? Please tell another story.
I can only imagine this was their reaction to the prophet. But did it come to pass or not? It certainly did. It happened because God said through His prophet that it will. They didn't need to look out for any physical signs. They only needed to believe God.

I know you had a time frame when you wanted God to show up and it didn't happen.It was to be in the first quarter of 2017 so that all else would fall in place and by next year you would have gotten off to a great start but it's less than four months to the end of 2017 and there is not a sign of it happening yet. That conception, marriage, business, contract, job, financial breakthrough, marital restoration,'ll certainly happen dear one. Remember, you may not see the wind nor the rain YET that valley will be filled.
Only believe!!


No rain,No wind, yet valley full…that’s God

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