Hello there. It’s another Review Thursday and you are blessed for stopping by.

I’m really excited about today’s review because it is two messages in one. The first part addresses how to train your spiritual ear to hear God and the second bit is expressing faith for your finances.  So, you have been expressing faith for healing, career shift, marriage, children, etc but many of us leave out our finances because for some very strange reason we don’t think it is spiritual to be blessed…hahahaaha. It’s time you dropped that mind set.

Training your spiritual ears to hear God

  • God is always speaking but you have to train your ears to hear Him.
  • You could start with the little things like your outfit (yes, you could ask Him that too). Sir Copeland refers to this as spiritual application 101.  He shares how he started out asking God for what socks to wear, he progressed to ties, shirts and suits. Gradually he could pick instructions from God. He also shares his testimony of how he got to be Oral Robert’s pilot while he was a student at Oral Robert University simply by obeying the voice of God.

Faith for Finances

  • Understand that all things were created for him and by him, Colossians 1:16
  • The Hebrew version of Genesis 1 says, “light be” and light was. Likewise in verse 26, He said, “man be” and man was. The first words God spoke to Adam were blessings-“be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth.” Does that sound like poverty or mediocrity? As believers, we are to exemplify the blessings of redemption. We are meant to be solution bearers who meet the needs of those around us and also share the light of the gospel with them. See why you need to be blessed?
  • You must get to a point where you disallow your feelings from telling you what to do, let your faith tell you what to do because you cannot get Abraham’s blessings with Thomas’ faith; it cannot work.
  • In order to get your desired breakthrough, you must have a point of contact; this is a pre-established moment that you decide to release your faith and refuse to go back on it. The faith demand on the anointing of God always produces results but there must always be a point of contact. 

Are you fired up already? There’s more where it came from. Watch and be blessed. Plus there are also blessings you need to call forth towards the end of the message. It’s about 80 minutes long but you can’t afford to miss any bit of it.
God’s blessings always,
**Image: Sourced here