Hello Amazing Reader,

Thank God you’re here! We trust you are keeping well. We’re praying for you and we trust God to protect you and yours from the noisome pestilence ravaging the earth.

Review Thursday it is today, and we had a guest reviewer send this in đź‘Źđź‘ŹCome along…

This message spoke to my moment; that’s why I thought to share with you. I’m not sure where you are at with God, but there’s something in this for everyone.

The following are some of the points that stood out for me :

  • The lifestyle of the kingdom is a lifestyle of faith. Although we can’t see the King/ Governor of the kingdom (i. e. God), by faith we believe in Him and His operations.
  • The word of God represents our eyes in the Kingdom- Luke 11:34, Psalm 119:130. Many times, we desire to see before believing, but it doesn’t work like that in the Kingdom. We must believe to see. We should get to a point where we base our decisions on the word. By so doing, we don’t take decisions casually or based on sensory perceptions; the strength of the flesh is our senses.
  • God dethrones everything that rises above him when we worship and surrender. We need to come to a point where we die to everything that takes preeminence over God, even the realities that our sensory organs perceive and project. Just as a dead man cannot respond to anything (hurt, pain pleasures, aches and so on) we ought to be dead to the flesh as believers.
  • A true citizen of the Kingdom is one who is loyal to the kingdom and places priority to the constitution of his kingdom.
  • Don’t attempt to separate your spiritual life from every other aspect of your life ; rather every bit of your life should be centered around Christ, even if you are at risk of being called a fanatic.
  • See challenges as opportunities to be schooled in Faith; Psalm 25:14. How can you walk in the truth you don’t know and how can you know it if you don’t search it out. It always looks impossible until you see the results that the word of God brings.
  • You are an immature believer if you don’t invest in scriptures. Word- laziness is what makes people resort to ‘prophets’ these days; don’t be word-lazy. Keep pressing until you enter your rest!
  • Finally, get to a point where you get serious with God, not the hypocritical type that is based on a need, but desire to know Him for who He is. This way, the kingdom life will become your new normal.

🙂I wish I could go on, but it would be great to have you soak it in yourself. You can watch the full message here, you’ll be glad you did đź‘Ť

God bless you,

Paul Jacobs