Dear Amazing Reader,

Having you stop by is always a delight and we do not take it for granted; thank you! Today, we bring you the concluding part of Mrs Blessing Onigbinde’s salvation testimony.  Please see the first part, in case you missed it.


I experienced several challenges as a result of my conversion but I can boldly testify that God has been faithful through it all.  Prior to my conversion, those around me knew that I was a devoted muslim because it was evident in every aspect of my life. As soon as I confessed Jesus as my Lord and Savior, everything about me changed. It became so obvious that something was positively different about me. I believe when one genuinely sees the light, such a person cannot pretend. Many people confronted me, asking what the matter was because they no longer saw me with my hijab.  The greatest confrontation I faced was at my work place. My boss and colleagues at the time really attacked me because they were all muslims. I had worked in that environment for about six years before I got born again, so quite a number of people knew me by my former identity. In fact, my boss considered my conversion an insult on his personality. He said he had plans of getting me married to a muslim and sending me to Mecca but I told him boldly that I had decided to make Jesus my Lord and savior and I was not going to change my mind. I added that my salvation is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in my eyes. He rebuked me never to say that around him and concluded that I had been charmed. I was not surprised at his utterance because I thought the same about believers’ before I got born again. I also thought churches made up testimonies, which was another reason I detested Christianity. Well, before I knew it, I was laid off  because I was seen as an outcast. My boss also sent word around his circle that none of them  should employ me.



Shortly after I was laid off, my fiancé proposed to me and we got married in December 2005. God has blessed me with wonderful children and by the help of God we are bringing them up the Godly way. All of those spiritual aspects that I missed out on, I promised God that I would teach my children and God has been helping my  husband and I in this regard. We take them along with us to every church program (including evangelism), teach them the importance of serving God with their time, energy and resources. Even to the payment of  tithes and offerings,etc.


I didn’t need any persuasion at all. I knew about the benefits of giving even in Islam. Although, what I practiced then was strictly giving of alms. Now, I give with better understanding. I learnt early enough that my tithe is not a donation to the Church or a form of enriching the pastor.



Several people thought I got converted because of marriage but as much as I get a chance, I like to share my testimony with them. Some believed it was because I didn’t fully understand the Qur’an but recall I mentioned that I completed reading the Qur’an even as a young lady. I tell them that when you indeed see the light, you will be convicted of your sins. I still relate with them very well because I believe that God who visited me is also able to visit them; open their eyes of understanding and set them free forever.


So many people have surrendered their lives to Christ upon hearing my testimony. In fact, I am always excited  to share my testimony so that others would be saved . I promised God that I would keep bringing souls to His kingdom until I see him face to face. I have seen the light and I want many others to see it as well. It’s been about 15 years now and honestly, God has been good to me. My path has been shinning brighter and brighter.

Thank you so much for the privilege to share my testimony with the world and I pray thousands of people will also come to the knowledge of Christ through this testimony in Jesus Name.

The End