In the words of Bishop David Oyedepo, ‘God is not a joker, He says what He means and means what He says.’

The word of God comprises of commandments to obey as well as promises meant for fulfillment.

When God speaks, everything hears and obeys including in animates.  When He speaks,He speaks according to His ability, not ours. And His words; absolutely immutable and credible.We are assured that even when  heaven and earth pass away, His words will never ever pass away (Matthew 24:35; Luke 21: 33).

Just like those in legal practice trade with words which are constitutionally backed up in order to win a case, we must remain versed with the word of God if we must be victorious in life.

Joshua, having experienced the infallible nature of the word of God declared that ‘Not one of all the LORD’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled (Joshua 21:45, NIV). 

What has God promised you in this season? I encourage you to stay believing because in no time, you will testify like Joshua  that ‘every one was fulfilled‘. Amen!

God’s blessings always,


*Image: Sourced here