SWBC-where the west begins and faith never stops
Hello Amazing One, It’s been a wonderful May for us on the book club. We hope it’s been equally great for you? Have you had to write an exam whereby you had an incline of the questions before hand? Oh… Continue Reading →
Hello Dear One, Ever heard that your family is God’s gift to you? This is chiefly so because you don’t get to choose them. While you may feel differently about your family’s makeup, God decided it’s the best for you… Continue Reading →
Hello Amazing One, Happy Easter celebration to you and yours. We’re celebrating the King of Glory, our Jesus. The one who humiliated death, and gave us victory. He took our place in poverty, and gave us His blessings instead. He… Continue Reading →
Hello Dear One, Welcome to another showcase edition. How did the working week go? Did you catch our review post on Biblical Wisdom for Successful Parenting within the week? It’s still available here if you missed it. Also, we thought… Continue Reading →
Hello Amazing Reader, It’s great to connect this weekend. Does it amaze you how God successfully takes you through the working week? Especially those that seemed so daunting at the beginning. That’s our God you know. He’s excited to let… Continue Reading →
COVID-19 sure meant this for evil, but God…You see, in His usual manner, He flipped the script right in the face of the devil. Previously, the mothers’ summit train used to make stops across a number of cities all year… Continue Reading →
Ohlalalalalalala 💃💃💃💃It’s about that time of the year people. The annual worship and praise festival hosted by House on the Rock Church is only a few days away. And for the first time ever, this year’s edition would be virtual…. Continue Reading →
It’s October 31st 🎶🕺👯♂️💃 Isn’t God amazing? You’re alive, and reading this; it lets us know God isn’t done with you just yet. Welcome to another showcase edition, and today, we thought to let you in on our book club…. Continue Reading →
Hi Fam, Happy new October once again 💃🎶🎶🎶 Welcome to another showcase edition and we’re extremely delighted that you stopped by regardless of your busy schedule. In today’s edition, we thought to let you in on a major event that… Continue Reading →
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