Easter’s here…whoop whoop!!!

Many thanks for stopping by today and here’s wishing you a wonderful resurrection celebration.

Up for today’s review is a song about the finished work of Christ.

I recently had a conversation with someone who pointed out to me that the Bible is not a story book but a book that encapsulates real life events and real people. Isn’t it funny how we sometimes forget or find it hard to believe and accept that the events in the Bible actually happened live.

The resurrection of Christ is one of those events which we often gloss over. Maybe we are forced to remember at times like this when Easter is being celebrated; but in actual fact, His resurrection is what gives value to our faith and we should never lose sight of this.

Victor’s Crown is one of the songs that literally awakens your consciousness about the death and resurrection of Christ. It paints a vivid image of the events that took place prior to His resurrection: the shame, the crown of thorns He was made to wear, the mockery, rejection, His crucifixion, His burial and then His resurrection from the grave. Much more, it educates you about what His resurrection means for you as  a believer.

Jesus overcame the grave so that you and I no longer have to be bound in any form of ‘grave’.
Victor’s crown was released in 2013 and it still remains a beautiful piece. The videolyrics and song story  are available for you to properly soak in and have a better understanding of Jesus’ resurrection.
It’s is very much recommended for you and yours.
God’s blessings always,
**Image sourced: here