Hello 1nebody,

The blog turned 7 yesterday! Woohoo! Can you believe that?! God has been faithful! We thank God for our reading community, the team, and our support system. 7 is the number of perfection and we pray for God’s perfect will for the blog and the entire 1nebody community to become fully manifested in this 7th year in Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Eagle landed in London last week. Minister Dunsin Oyekan held the Upper Room in London last Sunday and it was heaven on earth. It was my first time at an Upper Room gathering. Thanks to a friend, we managed to get in even though tickets were sold out. It streamed online and it is now available to rewatch. I will encourage you to do that. The atmosphere was charged up by the Holy Ghost, you could feel it. The best part for me, however, was the fact I had a personal time with God. Yes, it was a gathering of Saints but at the same time, it was a 1-to-1 moment with God.

One of the things Minister Dunsin talked about that hit home for me was from Colossians 3:1, the NIV translation says “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”  He said that if we were raised with Christ and Christ is seated at the right hand of God, then, it means we are also seated at the right hand of God (Ephesians 2:6). Emphasis on seated. He explained further that our spirit is seated with God and when we worship, we are only conditioning our minds and physical realities to align with that of the Spirit. This revelation further buttresses the divine truth that God is our ever-present help in times of need.

Conditioning our minds to move away from the physical and emotional distractions back to the dwelling place of our Father with us beside Him. This is what worship does, it helps us to refocus our minds to the truth so that we can begin to act accordingly in the physical. It was a 4-hour long time of worship, praise, and the word. This is perfect to rewatch for your Friday evening or weekend.

Happy anniversary to us, again, 1nebody. God bless,
