Hello 1nebody,
Thank God for the successful conclusion of the first month of the year. I pray that we will have more reasons to celebrate and rejoice in February in Jesus name, Amen! Drop a line in the comment and let us know how January went for you. Was it slow or fast? There’s a popular belief that January is like 1 year packed in one month lol. This January went by quickly for me though, so, I respectfully disagree 😁.
Have you listened to Pastor Nath’s new album, The River? What’s your most listened-to on the album so far? I bet you would probably say everything like me 🤣. However, the Spirit Chant has to be the one my spirit vibes to the most. I guess it is called Spirit Chant for a reason.
The words of the song are easy to learn. So, if you’ve never heard this before, trust me, you’ll start singing along in seconds. It is chant, so, it is not wordy at all, and there are lots of repetitions. I must say, it is such a breath of fresh air that Pastor Nath sang this in a language we can all understand which is quite unusual for spirit chants, not to say those in tongues are not powerful. I think there’s just something about the repeated words, you say it so many times, your spirit just agrees with every word and everything around you conforms too. It’s not only your mouth that bursts out in tongues, your spirit, soul, and body burst out in the Holy Ghost too.
We go where the River goes.
We go where the Spirit leads.
We do what the Bible says.
We pray in the Holy Ghost.
We dance in the Holy Ghost.
We are soaring on eagle’s wings.
Make this a declaration and soak this song into your spirit!
God bless,
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