Hello 1nebody community,

Happy weekend! I hope your weekend is going well. Remember on this week’s #ReviewThursday, I shared that I went to the Upper Room for the first time last week Sunday.

Well, after the Upper Room comes the Outpouring. I don’t think it has been announced on Minister Dunsin’s social media pages yet but it was officially announced at the Upper Room on Sunday. The Outpouring is going to Aberdeen on the 11th of October. Registrations definitely haven’t opened yet, so be on the look out for that.

Further details will also drop soon about guest ministers. Minister Dunsin did make reference to the likelihood of Theophilus Sunday and Lawrence Oyor coming; but nothing is confirmed yet, just the date and city. So, if you are in the Aberdeen area, or if you can make your way down there, get ready for the Outpouring.

Look out for details on Minister Dunsin’s Instagram page and other channels.

God bless,
