Hello 1nebody,

Happy New Month! I know we are 1 week in but this is my first post of October. I hope the month has started graciously for you. The month will end for you in praise, testimonies, and dancing with God’s perfect peace, in Jesus name, Amen.

A few weeks ago, I shared words of wisdom from Proverbs 14 and I will be sharing from there again today. Verse 29 says “Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.” Have you ever been in a situation where someone did something that vexed you and after you’ve argued with them or said mean things to them, you discover either they didn’t mean to annoy you or you got the whole situation all wrong? I am pretty sure we’ve all had this experience before. In situations like that, this proverb encourages us to choose patience over anger because patience births clarity and peace.

I would also like to point out that being quick-tempered doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be fuming from both ears, with your eyes red and shutting down any explanation. Quick temper can be very subtle as well. A good example is me; I rarely get angry to the point where I shout or exchange words with someone but I’ve been in situations where someone has done something annoying and, in my mind, I’m already calling them names, and I’ve already judged the situation without really understanding why because I don’t want to speak with the person. This is why the bible warns not to let your anger lead you to sin (Ephesians 4:26) and this proverb says you end up looking like a fool when you are angry for no reason. Nothing good comes out of getting angry but it is through patience that you better understand the situation.

My prayer is that we will not give in to foolishness but we will be transformed by the power of God to live and lead with integrity that we will be quick to hear but slow to anger, in Jesus name, Amen!

God bless,
