Hello 1nebody,

I hope everyone is doing great. We are almost at the end of another week; it can only be God. Thank God for life!

I like to believe everyone has seen Abattoir, one of Mount Zion Film Ministry’s recent YouTube series. If you haven’t, trust me, you need to get on that train because not only will you be blessed by the series itself but the soundtracks too.

Revolution is one of Abattoir’s original soundtracks by Joshua Mike-Bamiloye. It is one of my best soundtracks from him and even the entire ministry so far. I used to watch Mount Zion movies since I was a little girl, my parents, dad especially, never missed buying their movies back then. So, I thank God that they are still standing and He is doing marvellous things through their children and the younger generation.

The song perfectly replicates what the movie is about, it speaks of the transformation a person goes through when we are yielded and under the authority of the Almighty. When God’s light shines over the darkness of this world and our lives, we go from prey to true soldiers standing with boldness for what is the Lord’s. The revolution to take the world for God has truly begun, now is the time to take your position in God’s army, Soldier!

God bless,
