Hello, 1nebody,

Happy New Week! I pray the week will be a prosperous one for us all in Jesus name, Amen!

During my devotional on Saturday, I read Matthew 14 and the first question that was asked was based on the passage below.

“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”Matthew 14:29-30.

The question was, what caused Peter to sink? Immediately, I answered in my head – “he shifted his focus from Jesus to the blistering wind, that’s why.” However, as I reread the verse, the Holy Spirit made me understand that the wind was only an instigator. The wind was a distraction that acted as a contributor, not the cause. The wind was there before Jesus called out to him to come. Peter saw the wind before and still walked on water. He was aware of it initially, but the Bible says he was afraid. Somehow, I’d been omitting these key words every time I read this verse. I just always register the part that says ‘he saw the wind’ and then I jump to the ‘beginning to sink’ part. Fear caused him to sink the moment he began to entertain fear.

King David in the book of Psalms said “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me.” We are aware of the struggles, and we will see trials, tribulations, setbacks, and delays, but even though we are in the storm, our victory is that God is there with us. We will not allow unemployment, uncertainty, loss, news of war, crashes, accidents, economic downturn, instigate fear in us and rob us of our faith and confidence in God. Yes, we may have lost loved ones but we will not sink in the sea of sadness or depression because we have put our trust in God. He is with us, and we will walk on this water. The more we look to Jesus and remind ourselves that He is with us, the more our faith is strengthened.

What about you? Are you sinking or are you walking on water? Whatever your answer is, it helps to first know Jesus whose presence will strengthen you to rise above any storms of life. Is it addiction, depression, anxiety? Whatever sea you are sinking in, cry out to God like Peter and He will save you. The presence of these things in your life without Jesus will fuel the fear that will cause your sinking. Do not let them rob you of your breakthrough, you must stop feeding them.

Please, say the prayer below out loud if you would like to invite Jesus into the storm, or perhaps you want to renew your commitment to him.

Dear Jesus, I accept you today as my Lord and personal Saviour. I confess that I have sinned, please forgive me. I believe that you died and rose again for me. By your blood, cleanse me from every unrighteousness. Thank you for the new life you have given me, help me to serve you all the days of my life. Ultimately, please help me make it to eternity with you, in Jesus name. Amen

Congratulations, heaven rejoices over you! If you said this prayer and would like additional information/guidance, please send an email to 1nebodyblog@gmail.com.

God bless,
