How is everyone doing today? I trust you are doing exceptionally well this week. We are gradually getting to the end of the year, to God be all the glory. What is on the slate for today’s #MeditationMonday? Why don’t you read on?

Today’s anchor scripture is taken from Deuteronomy 8:18 “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today” NIV. I was speaking to someone recently, I didn’t know this person before and after I had spoken to her about my career journey, she said to me, “be proud of yourself, of your journey, because you have achieved a lot.” It hit me then that even a stranger saw right through my lack of confidence in myself and what I have achieved so far.

I believe there are people out there just like me, reading this, who let the disappointment of not attaining a goal or level they had set for themselves weigh them down. But we fail to see the areas of our lives that God has been made manifest, the goodness of God, and how far he has brought us. One of my Pastors would say, “stop setting deadlines that God did not set for you.” The anchor scripture says it is God that has given us the ability to get wealth. So, think of it this way, everything that you have and will have are all attainable through God. He is the one that strengthens you to do (Phil 4:13) and gives you the will to do (Phil 2:13). So, as a child of God, you should be proud of your achievement, no matter how huge or small, because it is the evidence of God’s hand in your life. Because if you are like me and you don’t feel proud of what you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come, then you are technically not appreciative of God working in your life, you are technically saying he has not done enough.

Change the way you present yourself because you are worth so much because of our Lord Jesus.

God bless,

1nebody Team