Hello 1nebody,

Happy New Month! Welcome to the Ember months! God’s mercy precedes you and His face guides you throughout this month in Jesus’ name, Amen! You are loved and protected by your Heavenly Father.

People talk a lot about building generational wealth. How one generation before should gather so much wealth that unborn generations, generations to come will not have to suffer a day in their lives. While this is a good thing, is that all we are building?

Proverbs 14:26 NIV says “Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.” The Contemporary English Version says “If you respect the Lord, you and your children have a strong fortress.” When we make our relationship with God the most important thing in our lives, we are not building that relationship only for ourselves but for the generation that comes after. The same concept of building wealth so that the next generation will not suffer, applies here too. When we love and follow the Lord with our whole lives, the bible says it will be a refuge for our children. A lot of us are enjoying the blessings of our parents’ walk with God.

However, we must remember that although this is God’s divine structure, the devil is always out looking for who to kill and destroy. We see this played out in the book of Kings from 1 Kings when God tore away the kingdom of Israel from the house of David and only the tribe of Judah was left for them to rule over (1 Kings 11:9-13). If you read the whole of Kings, 1 and 2, you will see the havoc that the missteps of one king did to generations after him. Jeroboam did not fear the Lord who appointed him as king and the bible says he did more evil before God than all who lived before him (1 Kings 12:26-33; 14:9). Throughout the book of Kings, the warped standard Jeroboam set lived on after him which a lot of kings that came after followed.

Your walk with God does not start and end with you, it is generational. How you revere God and your pursuit of Him today will determine the fortress, and impact you are building for your children and generations after them. I pray for the strength and grace to set good examples, to build a relationship with God so strong that our children and their children will draw from in Jesus’ name, Amen.

God bless,
