Hello 1nebody,

I hope your week is going well. God be praised.

This sermon by Bishop David Oyedepo on the second night of Shiloh 2024 is a must-watch for every believer to stay grounded and divinely positioned in the end-time church. Before I dive in, I wanted to quickly say that I went to Covenant University and I have heard Papa, what Bishop Oyedepo is fondly called by many, preach so many times but it wasn’t until this Shiloh that I realised how powerful his style of preaching is. He uses only scriptures, prayers, and testimonies when he preaches. So, everything he says is either verbatim from the word, a prayer or a testimony. It has nothing to do with today’s review, I just found that refreshing.

So, the theme of the 2024 Shiloh was ‘Ever Winning Wisdom’ and the sermon I am reviewing today was from the second Encounter Night titled ‘Espousing the Treasures of Divine Wisdom.’ I say this is a must-watch for every believer because it re-establishes our nature and inheritance in God as believers. Papa stressed that wisdom is our heritage as children of God, we have the mind of Christ and so we have divine wisdom deposited inside of us. It is in our DNA, we need only to stir it alive (Matt 11:19, 1 Cor 2:16). He made it clear that we, including himself, are all in the school of wisdom, nobody graduates from this school, and we can only move up in class.

Truths about Divine Wisdom

  • It is an asset of inestimable value. No academic degree can give the length of days (Proverbs 3:16).
  • It is only accessible from above (James 3:17, Job 28:23). It is unique because it is that it is above all things.
  • You can never get stranded with divine wisdom at work.
  • When divine wisdom comes, it creates solutions.
  • It has unlimited power to innovate, create, and invent.

This brings me to another reason this sermon is a must-listen. Bishop gave some prophetic declarations that he tagged 9 Prophetic Characteristics of the End-Time Church.

  1. Outbreak of the manifold wisdom of God – There is an eternal purpose for the outpouring of His wisdom.
  2. Outbreak of health and vitality in the last days – This is the last day’s agenda (Isaiah 33:24, Jeremiah 30:17).
  3. Outbreak of financial fortune – The end-time wealth is ordained for the expansion of His kingdom (Haggai 2:8, Luke 12:21).
  4. Outbreak of witty inventions and creation of solutions.
  5. The days of rising stars – Rise of stars from every field of life. (Rev 22:16, Isaiah 44:4-5, Zechariah 8:23).
  6. Enthronement of the saints – reigning in power in all spheres of life before Christ comes.
  7. The last enemy that would be destroyed before Jesus comes is death. Death is conquered already.
  8. Generational record-breaking era. The rise of a record-breaking army (Joel 2:2-11). Don’t let the darkness of the hour confuse you.
  9. The days of holiness (Ephesians 5:25 & 26).

Get ready, Saints. I encourage you to watch it and soak in the lights. The sermon starts at 1:30:26.

God bless,
