Hello 1nebody,

I can’t believe we are halfway through February already. Praise the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever! Hallelujah!

One topic that is evergreen in my opinion has to be ‘waiting.’ I feel like in every season of our lives, we all experience some level of waiting. Depending on the sensitivity of the season or situation, it can be a difficult or tricky topic to discuss and it is definitely no stranger to everyone. I highly recommend everyone to watch this video because it gives fresh perspectives on the topic and some reminders too. We’ve all had our fair share of waiting, so, everyone has a story to tell and lessons to exchange.

In this particular video, the discussion was a chat among 5 women. If you are familiar with TBN’s Better Together, you will understand the format. Pastor Stephanie is the facilitator while all the speakers get opportunities to share their views on waiting but most importantly, waiting with hope. I will share some of my key takeaways that resonate but also speak to my current season. I hope they bless you and encourage you to watch the full video.

  • Waiting in patience with an open mind: Pastor Stephanie shared that you can’t pray yourself out of waiting or a season. The speakers talked about the fact God is taking you through that season of waiting for a reason.
  • Waiting with eagerness for the next season and missing the current season: One of the women talked about how we look towards the next season/phase of our lives so much we miss what God is doing in the current season. The fact that we are waiting does not mean that God is not working. We must ask God to show us what He is doing in the now and how He would like us to be a part of it.
  • Waiting in singing – no complaining: Singing through the waiting – praising and thanking God for who He is.
  • Waiting in service to others: This was a reminder that how you wait matters. Pastor Stephanie talked about how she waited before God gave her the blueprint for her ministry and she talked about how she served others through that waiting season.
  • Are you serving God because you love and trust Him or is it a transaction for you? This one was so profound for me because of the context in which Pastor Stephanie explained it. The issue of waiting with fear came up and she spoke of the time the Holy Spirit convicted her about constantly living in fear of something going wrong. She took a step back and realised through the help of the Holy Spirit if things did really go wrong would she stop serving God? No, so, she realised waiting in fear was pointless because though it would be hard if things went wrong, she trusts that God would see her through whatever it was. Regardless of the outcome, God remains faithful.

The point about the impossibility of praying yourself out of a waiting season reminds me of something Pastor Iren (a review for another day) said during his first session at WOFBEC. He said the premise of faith is purpose. The principles of faith need to be activated within the confines of your God-given purpose. So, it’s like the Bible says that when you pray and it doesn’t come to fruition, it is not that your prayer wasn’t answered, it is that you are praying amiss, praying outside of the will of God for your life (James 4:3). So, it is not that your faith cannot move mountains, it is that the mountain is not your assignment to move. Jesus didn’t mince words when He said if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible to you (Matthew 17:20). So, you don’t even need to exercise the Abrahamic level of faith to see the hand of God if you are deploying your faith towards your God-given purpose. Similarly, the waiting season becomes rewarding and worthwhile if you are within the confines of God’s purpose for life.

God bless,
