Hello 1nebody,

How is everyone doing today? Another week is coming to a close, all thanks to God for His love endures forever.

I heard this song for the first time in a Mount Zion movie years ago. Even though I understood the lyrics and I actually loved the song, the words didn’t really register. I used to sing it at the top of my lungs with my siblings whilst trying to act like the character in the movie who sang it. Fast forward to last week when I heard it again on Pastor Nathaniel’s page. Pastor Nath had used it with the post announcing 50k+ souls converted at the recently concluded Hallelujah Challenge – isn’t God great by the way?

It was after I heard it last week that I listened to the song again but this time, I soaked in the powerful words. It is like the title says, the song is a pledge. What is a pledge and what is an allegiance? According to Cambridge Dictionary, a pledge is a serious or formal promise, especially one to give money or to be a friend, or something that you give as a sign that you will keep a promise. Merriam Webster defines allegiance as devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause.

The song by Ray Boltz was released in 1994 as part of his album titled Allegiance. The song narrates and illustrates how Christians in the Biblical days were persecuted because they stood for Christ. The song goes on to say it is our turn to make this pledge, rebuke the world and stand for Christ no matter the cost. So, I want you to listen to the song and verbalise your pledge today as you sing along. May the Lord strengthen us to keep our promise and stand with and for Christ no matter the circumstances or consequences.

I pledge allegiance to the lamb

With all my strength

With all I am

I will seek to honor His commands

I pledge allegiance to the Lamb

God bless,
