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God’s blessings always,

The 1nebody Team


Seasons Podcast Episodes

Our guest, Paul Jacobs shares his testimony of deliverance from over 10 years of addiction.
Joshua Makanjuola shares his testimony of redemption from a battered self-esteem, caused by poor academic performance. He finds God’s purpose in the midst of this, and becomes a high-flyer. 

Dami shares how God crowned her waiting season with a glorious testimony. God is eager to do the same for you because He is not just your God, He is also your Father and He wants the best for you.
Yetunde Johnson shares the testimony of how she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. In spite of her ‘Chris-Mus’ (Christian-Muslim) background, God made her a ‘Cornelius’ who brought salvation to her entire household.

Oluwatobi Kadiri emphasizes that believers are God’s ambassadors everywhere, including their business or workplace. He also states the importance of representing Jesus through our values, excellent work output, among others.
Adedasola Adegoke wrote a blogpost which she titled the ⁠Ministry of Attitude⁠. In this episode, she delves deeper into it and shares practical examples of how to win others to Christ through our unspoken words. Listen and be blessed.

In this episode, our guests- Ibukun Ijaopo and Sarah Ojo speak about how God intricately weaves together people in our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Whether you’re seeking clarity in your friendships or simply curious to understand the mysterious ways God brings people together, this episode is a great resource for you.
Vicky speaks to the importance of parenting by God’s design and the significance of collaborating with the Heavenly Father in nurturing the next generation. Her perspective is uniquely informed by the profound influence of her own father’s nurturing, a gift she treasures and seeks to replicate in her role as a parent.

Ayomide Olatunji takes us on a personal journey through the unexpected challenges she and her husband faced on the path to parenthood. She emphasizes on a balanced approach of settling things with God in prayer and seeking medical intervention, as and when required.
Do guys also desire marriage? Do they experience family pressure ? How can they get past the goals they have set out to achieve before getting married and take that leap of faith towards marriage? These salient questions are answered in this episode by Tayo Owolabi, and it’s a conversation every man should listen to.