Great books elicit great joy (Dammy, 2018) lol!

On a serious note though, great books add to your knowledge base and when you apply knowledge gained to challenges of life, you see how very insignificant they become. All I am saying is, this is a great book.  On y va!

In ten chapters and 235 pages, John Hagee educates us on how we can turn challenges into opportunities.  It comes in this order: Promise, Problem, Provision; God gives you a promise. On the flip side of the promise, you experience a problem that makes you wonder if God ever gave you a promise. However, your response in the ‘problem’ determines how soon you experience God’s provision.

It’s great to rejoice at God’s promises, I mean who doesn’t?  But as you rejoice, be reminded that if God gives you a million-dollar promise, He will equally send you a million-dollar problem. In the words of the author, ‘Generals are not made by dress parades and marching bands. They are made by combat. When God gives you a promise, put on the whole armor of God and get ready.The battle is about to begin! With God on your side, the victory is yours.’

You have two major options in the heat of a problem, you either sit and stay, or stand and enter. Sit and stay= worry away, host a pity party and remain neck deep in the problem. Conversely, stand and enter= stand on the promise, refuse to be shaken, keep obeying God, be disciplined and then you enter your promised land.

Here’s a major reason you should read this book: problems are common to all. Black, white, tall, short, old, young; it doesn’t matter which category you belong, everyone faces problems but we certainly do not react in the same way.

Watch out for part 2!

God’s blessings always,