You may be single (but have received a negative medical report that has made you already doubtful that you could mother/father children), married (but yet to conceive), already conceived (trusting God to deliver safely) or you just desire to build up your arsenal for the future; whatever category you are, this book is bespoke for you.

In this 50-paged e-book, the author shares scriptures that remind the reader of his/her heritage of fruitfulness in God. Irrespective of current medical diagnosis, she encourages the reader to stay focused on the infallible word of God.

I’ll share a few points:

  • The burden of seeming childlessness should not be left to the females to bear. Isaac prayed for his wife, Zechariah for Elizabeth, Manoah for his wife; men, please pray for your wives!
  • Only God gives children. Your sexual prowess is not directly proportional to your rate of conception. God is the giver of children. The phrase, ‘and the Lord enabled her to conceive‘ is seen quite a number of times in the Bible. It still applies today.
  • Let nothing steal your joy while you wait. Remember that you still need God to come through for you and He can only operate in a joyful environment.
  • Prepare for your blessings. Let God see your actual, physical preparations; don’t just ‘mouth’ your faith. Get your baby items, name your babies, get their toys, books, give them names (there’s no hard and fast rule here) but ensure you’re exercising your faith.
  • This isn’t time to tear yourselves apart, blaming each other for the seeming delay in child bearing; satan is so excited seeing you do this. You must uphold each other in prayer and believe God together for a miracle.
  • Keep building your faith by the word of God. It is the only remedy against fear. You must build it to a point where you are unshaken by circumstances. The Bible, materials like this as well as the testimonies of others are key to helping you achieve this.

With regards to testimonies, the author concludes this book with her personal testimony. Yes, she also had a negative medical verdict which God turned around. To get this book, simply make a request to cpyfamily a link would be sent to you. It’s free too, so no holds barred.
God’s blessings always,