In the words of Bishop David Oyedepo, there is no great man anywhere, there are only men who are helped/ favored by God.

The favor of God is one of the best things that can happen to any individual.  For instance, we have individuals ‘A’ and ‘B’ who are aiming to achieve the same goal. Individual ‘A’ puts in all the hard work, expends all forms of resources and finally achieves his goal after ten years. Individual ‘B’ on the other hand, works hard alright but also subscribes to God’s favor. God responds, speeds up the process and he achieves his goal within three years. Remember it’s the same goal, yet they achieved it within different intervals.

The favor of God has the ability to literally magnify your efforts, it can announce you to those that matter to your destiny, position you for exploits, cover your errors, make you sought after/ desired by others… the list is endless. Labor can never be compared with what favor can deliver, never!

Nehemiah is an example of one who was favored of God.  The prayer of favor was never far from his lips (Nehemiah 5:19 and 13:31) and we see how God elevated him from  a cupbearer to a governor within 52 days. It was an unexplainable, yet undeniable feat; that’s favor!

While prayer is one of the keys to provoke God’s favor;  fasting, praise, sowing financial seeds, sowing seeds of favor to others are some of the other favor catalysts.

 Subscribe to God’s favor today, and watch your life become a marvel.

God’s blessings always,
