Hello everyone,

Sorry for the late post. I hope your week has been going smoothly. Let’s try something different for today’s review.

On review today is a 14-day devotional plan on the YouVersion bible app, I like to believe a higher percentage of people use this app. The devotional is easy to read and digest because it references only one bible verse per day which is then built upon for easy day-to-day application. This is perfect for those that often have busy schedules, however, it is a really good morning starter for everyone regardless. The devotional is like a crash course with each topic touching on different ways in which we can make our daily lives and activities better fitting to God’s leading and purpose.

The devotional focuses on actions we need to take to have a more trusting relationship with God day in, day out. Actions such as changing your habits and mentality and being able to control your thoughts and emotions are the themes for the 14 days. The author gives practical steps, backed by scriptures, in forming the right habits and developing a healthy state of mind. You can start the plan today, by yourself or with friends.

God bless,

1nebody Team