Hello everyone,

Happy New Week! Who is excited for the resurrection month? Dancing emoji. What a wonderful God we serve! I pray that the joy of the Lord and His resurrecting power will be our portions in the new month, in Jesus name, Amen.

What are you owing? Who do you owe? You might not realise it but as a believer, you are a debtor. I am a debtor. The body of Christ and any bible-believing institution or individual are all debtors. In Romans 1:14 NIV, Apostle Paul said in his letter to the Romans, I am a debtor both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.” If you read further, in the next few verses, you will see the debt he was referring to.

What are you owing?

The living word of God: The passion and attitude used in sharing the word of God. The eagerness and confidence with which you have to speak about your knowledge and understanding of God. Being open about your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Unapologetically living a life that glorifies the name of the Lord. That is what you are owing.

Your talent: The resources, knowledge, and skills you have acquired over the years through the help of God Almighty. Giving everything and nothing left to the advancement of His kingdom, to the glory of His name. This is your purpose and assignment from God to mankind. That is what you are owing.

Who do you owe?

The entire world: Like Paul, you owe believers and non-believers alike the good news of Jesus. Sharing your knowledge of and relationship with God will encourage other believers and it will draw non-believers to the love of God. Be a witness of His love and grace. Be a torchbearer of His Spirit to your friends, neighbours, families, colleagues, strangers. These are the people you owe.

God Almighty: He made you for a purpose and if you will yield to His leading, he will give you all that you need to accomplish that which He wants you to. You owe it to God to seek His face and get His leading to be a titled vessel of His presence filling others.

In Acts 18:24-28, a Jew named Apollos boldly preached the gospel of our Lord Jesus even though he was only knowledgeable in the baptism of John. He didn’t let that stop him from witnessing and doing the work of the Kingdom. So, you have no excuse. Don’t be ashamed of the gospel. Let nothing stop you from being a kingdom ambassador, and like Paul and Apollos, witnessing with passion.

God bless,
