Hello people,

Thank God for the end of another month. His mercy endures forever!

Have you been praying to God to usher into your next level? If like me, you are believing God for greater capacity for Kingdom work and all-round blessings, then, this sermon is for you. Apostle Joshua Selman highlighted and spoke about 6 prices that we must pay to enter into new dimensions. See these as 6 habits that you must cultivate and maintain to prepare you for all God has in store for you.

  1. Deeper walk with God: This shouldn’t be a surprise. Seek first the Kingdom of God and God will add more to you. So, this is the number 1 price Apostle Selman referenced. Without knowing God first, and prioritizing your fellowship with Him, how can He trust you with more? How can He show you what is to come? You only get information from someone you speak to, and secrets from someone you are close to.
  2. Unbending focus: In a world that is moving so fast, with so much noise, apart from the Holy Spirit, it will take a lot of intentionality from you to keep your gaze on Christ. The Apostle emphasized on being careful and cautious of the “arrival mentality.” There are so many things already fighting for our attention, don’t let your ambition and achievements take your focus away from God and His higher calling. Like Paul advised in Phil 3:13-15, our focus on God should always be ‘what next’ not what you’ve done. Realisation and awareness that there is more to be done.
  3. Greater enlightenment: The Apostle emphasized on the need to get more knowledge and understanding of how the world works to be better prepared and ready to step into a new dimension. He spoke of 2 main areas to get enlightened; 1.) The Mysteries of the Kingdom (Matt 13:11) 2.) The Laws of Life and Human Nature (Luke16:8). A revelation from God that will give you an edge when relating with people in a worldly setting. The Bible says to be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves. When you understand the laws of the Cosmos, the law of season and harvest, you won’t compromise, but you will be better prepared.
  4. Greater contribution/productivity: You need to get into the habit of creating the most value. You should not just desire it; you have to work at it. You have to work on and invest in yourself to become the most competent, to be the best and greatest version of who God created you to be.
  5. Strategic connection: This is the intentionality in building relationships, with the help of the Holy Spirit, that open doors of opportunities.
  6. Humility: The Bible says God resists the proud but He gives grace to the humble. I think this goes back to the unbending focus. When you give God all the glory for all you have and will have, He gives you the grace to do much more.

God bless,
