Hello Everyone,

I hope you are well and the week is going well. May it will be a miraculous end of the week for you in Jesus name, Amen.

I stumbled on this young man, Bryce Crawford, but I am convinced it is the Lord at work. I had been struggling with boldly and intentionally witnessing to people about Jesus. I was also confused about the approach to take or how to start the conversation. I had been praying and asking the Holy Spirit to help me and then I saw a video of this young man on Instagram. Now, you understand why I said I am convinced it was God-orchestrated.

I have since gone on his YouTube channel and my faith and confidence have been renewed just watching him. Bryce is a 20-year-old American who is not afraid to share his faith in our Lord Jesus and encourage others to find and follow Christ. Although Bryce witnesses to everyone, however, from a few of his videos that I have seen, I will say he targets the homeless and the LGBTQ community. I find his approach easy, simple, intentional, and structured. It is clear his goal is to plant the seeds and leave it to God to do what only He can do. He starts out wanting to know the person; their name, beliefs and opinion on a simple question that he usually starts with. Then he proceeds to share his testimony and who God is and asks if he can pray for them. I find his line of prayer Holy Spirit-inspired.

Whether you are seasoned at evangelising or struggling like me, I will encourage you to watch one or two of his videos. You will be blessed by it and gain new perspectives and approaches to being a good representative of Jesus. As believers, witnessing to others about Jesus is not optional, it is a mandate we have been given (Mark 16:15; Luke 14:23; Matthew 28:19-20) and must obey. So, we must all work towards intentionally and comfortably sharing our faith.

God bless,
