Hello 1nebody,

Happy new week! Great is God’s faithfulness to us all because He daily loads us with benefits. Morning after morning, we see His mercies. So, we bless His holy name for it is because of His mercies we are not consumed. We adore You, Lord, and we return all the praise to You. Thank you, Lord!

During yesterday’s service, the pastor started his sermon with this question, what really is sin? I mean, we can all agree that sin to most people, if not everyone, will look like lying, cheating, stealing, killing, hurting and destroying people. Yes, those are sins, however, the pastor read a bible verse that opened my eyes to a new meaning of sin. The meaning of sin from God’s perspective.

James 4:17 reads “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” Sin from God’s perspective doesn’t end with what we generally see as sin. Sin from God’s perspective can sometimes be personal, note that the verse personalises it – if anyone fails to do what they know to be right, it is a sin for them. What is a sin for me may not be for the next person.

What God is saying to us per season is different and when we miss the mark God has set for us, we sin against Him. This realisation convicted my heart concerning judging others based on the things I have categorised as sins because I do not agree with them. That is why the bible says we all have sinned and fallen short God’s glory. Jesus also warned us to first remove the log in our own eyes before attempting to remove the log in someone else’s eyes. I want us to turn Psalm 139:24 into a prayer “See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you remove every rebellion in us. Give us the strength and grace to do what we know to be right in your eyes, to obey your every direction and instruction. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

God bless,
