Hello Amazing Reader,

Trust you are well and already enjoying God’s blessings this September.

Have you joined the 1nebody book club community? If you haven’t, what are you waiting for? We’ve been having a great learning experience.

In this review, I will share my key takeaways from “Understanding Divine Direction,” which we recently finished reading in the book club community.

The author, Dr David Oyedepo opens the book with the story which a revered man of God shared with him. This person had taken a wrong step many years prior, but he was yet to recover from its implications. Hearing this experience made the author realize the importance of divine direction, and prompted the need to enlighten others about it; hence this book.

In eight short chapters, Dr Oyedepo expounds on the subject of divine direction, the prerequisites of being led, its benefits, among others.

If you are interested in being led by God, I strongly recommend that you get this book. Here are my personal takeways, mostly retained in the author’s words.

  • No human effort can match God’s direction; Prov 14:12, Prov 16:25- It may seem like the right way, but the end is death.
  • The answer to any man’s problems is not in a nation, but in God.
  • Nothing gives confidence and guarantees dignity like certainty.
  • God has a place prepared for you in life; a discovery of that place is what is called vision. Until you make that discovery and walk in it, you cannot arrive at the glorious destiny God has reserved for you.
  • Vision is the unfolding of God’s master plan, whereas direction is the steps you take to accomplish it.
  • Divine direction is a lifetime demand. You will never get to a point in life where you will no longer require direction.
  • The only thing that will be recorded against your name when you are gone is the impact you made on the lives of men.
  • Clarity of vision enhances supernatural speed, which gives colour to your life and ministry.
  • God is committed and ever ready to offer direction to as many as are willing to be led.
  • Until there’s a song in your heart, you never hear the sound from heaven.
  • No one succeeds by accident.

There are many more insights in this small but mighty book. As earlier stated, this resource is a must-have for everyone who desires to be led by God.

You can get a copy through Kobo, Apple bookstore, Amazon, or by visiting the bookshop at any Living Faith Church location.

Please consider getting copies for your friends, family, and loved ones. It’ll be a great blessing to them.

I pray you continually enjoy God’s leading, all the days of your life, in Jesus name!

God’s blessings always,


*Feature image source: Kobo