Hello Dear Reader,

Amazing week so far? I’d like to think yes πŸ™‚

Thank God for His mercies!

Have you experienced the power of prayers?

Recently, I have heard people allude that parents in this generation no longer pray for their children like our parent’s generation did (or still do).

Do you think this is true? Well, I don’t know if there’s some data backing this assertion or not. But, I know that there are still parents who pray for and with their children. Also, if for whatever reason you have not been praying, you can join the praying parents league today!

In the latest episode of Seasons Podcast, Anu Olorunsogo Ebozoje shares the how, when, what and everything in-between about praying for your children.

It doesn’t matter what rung you are on your parenting journey. You may not even be married yet, but you can begin to pray today!

As a parent, grandparent, great grandparent, uncle, aunt, cousin, bachelor or spinster who desires to see God’s will prevail over the lives of children, please listen to this and share with everyone else who shares a similar burden.

God’s blessings always,
