Hello Amazing Reader, 

Welcome to February. May it be a month of months for you, in Jesus name! 

In the words of Bishop David Oyedepo, President of Winners Chapel International, “What you don’t see coming never comes.” 

Could you take a moment to read that statement to yourself and perhaps, slowly? Great!

This next exercise will take more than a moment, but I encourage you to participate in it as well. Are you experiencing something you once positively imagined? Maybe you are currently working in that corporation you once dreamt about. For someone else who is now a senior, perhaps you imagined your children and grandchildren loving and serving God, and you are currently experiencing that. 

If you have personal testimonies about this or you have seen it happen for someone close to you, you’ll agree that this is a scriptural principle that works! It has been working since Bible times, and it hasn’t stopped working. Jeremiah 1:11 (The Amplified states),

“The word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see the branch of an almond tree.”  Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am [actively] watching over My word to fulfill it.” 

Like Jeremiah, when you see well (in line with the word of God), God watches over His word to fulfill it in your life. 

When you see correctly, it also helps you avoid distractions because you know where you are going. These may not necessarily be bad or wrong things, but they may not be right for you in the season that you are. 

If you haven’t started engaging this principle or if you took a break, I encourage you to put it back to work. See great things coming your way, and they’ll surely come. From serving God with your heart and resources, to having a godly family, having great enterprises that will feed many, building churches, and advancing the Kingdom of God through the resources God blesses you with…there’s so much you can see coming.

If you are not yet born again, God already sees you as a part of His family. He sent His Son, Jesus to bear the sins of the world with the hope that some day, everyone will receive and accept His love. Today is a great day for you to take your place in God’s family. Please say this prayer with faith in your heart:

Dear Jesus, I accept you today as my Lord and personal Saviour. I confess that I have sinned, please forgive me. I believe that you died and rose again for me. By your blood, cleanse me from every unrighteousness. Thank you for the new life you have given me, help me to serve you all the days of my life. Ultimately, please help me make it to eternity with you, in Jesus name. Amen

Congratulations, you are now saved!

Experience great blessings this month and beyond, in Jesus name.

God’s blessings always,
