Hohoho Merry Christmas,

It’s four days to Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. May the peace and joy that Jesus’ birth brings fill your heart in Jesus name.

Shiloh 2023 was nothing short of a blessing. Did you get to attend? Some of my takeaways were:

  • Hard times are not new. There were hard times in the Bible, yet God’s people were exempted
  • Hard times are part of the prophetic signs of the end time. As such, they cannot be prayed away
  • I can flourish despite the hardship
  • Unthankfulness is a sign of the end time, and I must consciously choose not to be part of it
  • I can live a sanctified life by the help of the Holy Spirit

It started on December 5th with an opening session and closed out on December 10th with a thanksgiving session. From the 6th-9th, the itinerary was: Shiloh hour of prayer to begin the day, the hour of visitation (morning teaching sessions), specialised sessions (including healing & deliverance), breaking generational curses, fathers and mothers of nations), ministers’ summit, and the encounter night.

It was indeed a mountain of voices, instructions, and answered prayers. If you didn’t get to attend or you’d like to re-listen (which is highly recommended), please visit Faith Tabernacle’s YouTube channel or visit the website.

As you heed the prophetic instructions that come your way, you will surely flourish in these times of uncertainty, in Jesus name.

God’s blessings always,
