Hello Amazing Reader,

It’s great to have you here. How has your week been? Mine seems to have been racing by, in a good way 🙂

I’ve been watching/ listening to The Intentional Parent Annual Conference, and it’s been too impactful. The theme for this year is “Raising Kings: those who sit at the table with kings and those who make kings.”

I thought to write a review of the first teaching session to give you an idea of the menu being served at the conference.

This first session was by Pst David Oyedepo, the Resident Pastor of Faith Tabernacle (also known as Living Faith Church, Canaan Land), who taught on, Raising Impact Makers in our Time. You’ll find his teaching between 44:55- 1:34:40 in this video.

Below are some of my takeaways from his teaching:

  • Every individual is born with a purpose from God. We’re not accidental.
  • Our ultimate fulfillment can only be found when we discover purpose. You don’t determine why you’re here, you can only discover why.
  • Parents can only put their children on the path of purpose fulfillment, they cannot fulfill their purpose for them. 
  • You have a responsibility as parents to steward your children’s destiny. It’s not everything about your child that God will tell you, because He doesn’t want you to play the role of God in their lives. Instead, introduce them to God and He will unveil the details of their destiny to them. 
  • Parents should not cast on their children their own unfulfilled dreams.
  • Cultivate a desire and personal need for God in your children. 
  • Parents have a responsibility to develop both breadth (knowledge) and depth (personal intimacy) of God.
  • Our children hear the voice of our actions louder than the voice of our instructions.
  • We have a lot to do with our children’s faith, but we have a lot to do with ourselves first, if we’ll be of any good to our children.
  • It’s about who we are first, before what we can produce. 

Furthermore, Pst David discussed the role of discipline in raising impactful children and equipping them with a personal knowledge of God. This is because the world is constantly serving our children with fruits (like Adam and Eve), it is the defense have you provided them with that will determine the outcome.

Can you see why you need to watch this conference for yourself? Especially if you’re already a parent or you’re planning to be one. Intentional parenting can be learned, and this is a platform that I’ve been learning from personally.

Please share this with every parent or aspiring parent you know.

God’s blessings always,


Feature image source: TIP video