Hello Amazing Reader,
Did you know that 1nebody has a book club community?
Yes, we do and we meet every fortnight to review the resources we read/watched over the two-week period. We met last weekend and had a wonderful time.
One of the key takeaways from the session was the importance of intentionally filling our minds and hearts with the word of God, as we never know when we might need it. Life’s challenges often arise without warning, leaving us unprepared. So, when these challenges do occur, how will you respond?
It is the word of God that you have stored up that helps you respond appropriately. That sermon you heard at church or fellowship, the word of God you read personally, the word someone shared at your small group meeting, and so on. You may not realize the magnitude of the seeds you are planting until there is a need for it.
During the session, one of us testified about how she was faced with a challenging situation that would have been difficult to navigate. But thank God she was prepared. She had been exposing herself to sermons, reading books, and reading the word of God, and these helped her respond appropriately. She said, “I could literally hear those words from within me every step of the way.”
The situation you are facing is not as serious as you believe. You just need to find the right solution. Immerse yourself in the word so deeply that the issue can no longer hold power over you.
“On that day his burden will fall from your shoulders, and his yoke from your neck. The yoke will be broken because your neck will be too large.”
Isaiah 10:27 (ChrisTIAN Standard Bible)
The word of God is essential for spiritual growth. Immerse yourself in it, and you will find your burdens lifted.
While this is relevant for a believer seeking freedom from certain issues, it does not apply to someone who does not have Jesus in their heart.
The first step to your deliverance is accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour. If you haven’t accepted Him, please say this prayer:
Dear Jesus, I accept you today as my Lord and personal saviour. I confess that I have sinned, please forgive me. By your blood, cleanse me from every unrighteousness. Thank you for the new life you have given me, help me to serve you all the days of my life. Ultimately, please help me make it to eternity with you, in Jesus name.
Congratulations, you have received the life of Christ in you. If you said this prayer and would like additional information/ guidance, please send an email to 1nebodyblog@gmail.com.
God’s blessings always,
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