Hello Amazing Reader,
Happy Thursday! On today’s review, I thought to reshare a review of one of my personal favourites when it comes to Christian romance. What better time to share this than now🙂after all we’re in the month of love.
I’m sure this title has you wondering what this is all about. Big kudos to the authors for such a captivating title. Even if you had no plans of reading this book, the title gets you curious enough to dig in.
Like the rider states, this book is aimed at helping you understand gender differences and making the best of them. First, understand that God our creator has wired males differently from females. These differences, when not understood could cause rifts in relationships, including marital and other inter-personal relationships.
Men being like waffles means they compartmentalize. That is, they deal with issues in ‘boxes.’ So when a male is neck deep in work, he puts his all into that box just to make it work. And oh, they like to win too. So until, they have won in that ‘box,’ it’s not okay to leave it. Peradventure they assume they cannot achieve in a particular box, they would rather not touch it at all.
For a waffle, events are independent happenings and might not really mean much. They interpret events at the surface level and that’s it. They don’t mean to forget the major events too (birthdays, anniversaries, children’s programs), it just wasn’t in the box they were attending to at the time…lol. Is it beginning to make some sense?
The authors negate the popular belief that the way to a man’s heart is his stomach. They state that men like to be affirmed. Right words make their hearts glad. They like it when you tell them they can do it because it keeps them going until they achieve that goal. On the other hand, tell them they can’t and no force in the universe can undo that feeling; especially when their spouse is the naysayer.
Spaghettis are so called because like your physical plate of spaghetti, it’s all intertwined and it’s quite a task attempting to separate one strand from another. That’s exactly how a female is. Every area of her life is intertwined, which is why she could juggle a zillion things at the same time; it’s how she’s wired. She can be a successful wife, mother, sister, daughter, career woman, caregiver, friend…
They also ace at non-verbal communication. They have that ‘look’ which communicates a thousand words…lol! Amazingly, the husband and children totally get that look.If they eventually speak, what they say might be different from what they mean. It’s funny but it’s just what it is. You need to learn to decode the hidden meaning. Spaghettis don’t do surface meanings. For example if she says ‘it’s your decision’ what she means is ‘ the correct decision should be obvious by now.’ The authors have a list of spaghetti statements along with their hidden meanings. Waffles, you will be grateful for this; it’ll make your lives 110% better. I guarantee you will get into less trouble 🙂
This book is humorous, insightful, entertaining, educative and yet spiritual. The authors emphasize that with the help of the Holy Spirit, you could be an excellent waffle or spaghetti; your marriage can be as amazing as God intended for it to be. God, who wired waffles differently from spaghettis didn’t plan for it to be a basis for war. You can be a delightful pair in spite of your differences.
Bill and Pam have include several real life examples which help you internalize the lessons and stay glued on.
I recommend that you make this book one of your relationship manuals, refer to it as often as you can individually and along with your partner; you’ll be amazed at the outcome. You can get a copy from bookshops around you or purchase online
God’s blessings always,
*Image source: Amazon
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