Hello there, season’s greetings. Trust you had an amazing Christmas celebration? It’s another Review Session and today’s extra unique. We’re not reviewing a book, song, movie, article, event etc ; We’re taking a moment or two to review our lives… Continue Reading →
Hohoho…Merry Christmas (in Santa’s voice)…lol! Compliments of this wonderful season to you and yours. On our stable today is the review of an amazing short story written by Mrs Kemi Oyedepo. This 72-page e-book is a fiction which centers around… Continue Reading →
In Genesis 1, the Bible records the creation story. There we see how God put the entire universe in order within six days: Light, Firmament, Vegetation,Water bodies and sea creatures, Birds, Land creatures and Man. Upon completion, God said everything… Continue Reading →
Helloooooo, compliments of the season. Yes, we are already in the best part of the year. May it be a season of glad tidings for you and yours. Well, we are still very much in the Shiloh spirit. As such,… Continue Reading →
“Each day, month, year is supposed to get better for you as long as you have met the ‘just person’ requirement set by God himself.”
Hello people, welcome to a week that most of us have been eagerly anticipating. You’re probably wondering the reason for the anticipation right? Well, it’s a spiritually loaded week for us in the body of Christ not just in Nigeria… Continue Reading →
Yesssss, we’re showcasing the recently concluded edition of The Experience12. Oh my God! That was nothing short of a taste of heaven. We told you not to miss out. In fact, still in search of the best word that correctly… Continue Reading →
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