Super glad to have you stop by today. God bless you loads. It’s another tweaked version of Showcase Saturday and you are about to know why.In our last review, we discussed Lily Perez’s ‘Amazing God’; if you are to listen/watch  it, please do already.

So, a few minutes after Thursday’s post was published, the mind blowing God visited my camp just like we prayed . You see,  I have an aunt who got married in March 2009. However, due to several medical reasons, she had been unable to have a baby this whole time.

Long story short, God visited her in the last quarter of 2017 and on Thursday, 7th June, 2018; her miracle was born. It felt so surreal. I felt Psalm 126 literally play out. God has indeed turned around her (and our) captivity around and we feel like it’s a dream. That’s how good God is!

Couldn’t keep this another week, had to get the devil more mad by sharing this with you. And you know that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). You might not be desirous of a child, yours might be anything else; be encouraged! The mind-blowing God is on the loose with mind-blowing miracles, you are next to testify in Jesus Name, Amen!

P.S: Our interview series continues next week, you don’t want to miss it.


God’s blessings always,
