Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

Revelation 4:11

Hello Amazing One,

Thank you for taking some time to read today’s review. It’s an “Asher” edition πŸ˜€. Are you wondering what that means? You’d find out as you come along.

Dunsin Oyekan (also known as The Eagle or Asher) usually says he doesn’t sing songs, but revelations. And we see this evident in all his songs.

One of the songs in his most recent release titled, I can’t be less speaks to the reason God created us – to worship. The predominant lines of the song state,

"I can't be less of what you made me,
I'm made for worship, that's what I'll do
I can't be less of what you made me.

When we imbibe this truth, we realize that no situation should be worth flouting the Creator’s command. He created us solely to worship and bring Him pleasure, and that is what we must do.

Please take some time to digest this revelation. May it spur you up to worship at all times- whether you feel like it or not.

Can’t be less is Track 14 on The Glory Experience album.