Hello Amazing One,

Trust the new month is going great for you? Only good news is permitted in your camp all through the month and the rest of the year in Jesus name, Amen.

Today we’re reviewing a message by Apostle Joshua Selman, titled The Anointing. In about 75 mins, Apostle speaks to the need for believers to operate beyond the ‘comfort zone’ we have created for ourselves. This is because God has called us for more.

He refers to men and women from previous centuries (including Kathryn Kuhlman, A.A. Allen, John Lake) who embodied the power of God as a result of their walk with God. He brings it closer home with the likes of late Archbishop Benson Idahosa and Joseph Ayo Babalola; giving various examples of how these persons demonstrated the power of God through their command of signs, wonders and mighty miracles.

He admonishes believers to seek the ancient paths which these people walked in, (Jeremiah 6:16) and desire to walk in the reality of the anointing.

In conclusion, he encourages believers to pray in the Spirit as often as possible because praying in the Spirit is directly proportional to the level of power one operates in.

 Please find the message here. I’m sure you are eager to dig in.

God’s blessings always,
