
It is another #MeditationMonday and I am glad to be here again today, sharing what the Holy Spirit has laid in my heart. I pray that every word from today’s post will find you at the point of your need, in Jesus name, Amen.

Today, I will be taking a cue from a recent experience I had. The anchor scripture is taken from the book of John.

“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.” 

John 14:16-17 (AMP)

I have been extremely busy at work for the past few weeks due to a few events beyond my control. In addition to all that, I have been going through some changes in my personal life outside of work as well. And in all of these, I have been running with Ecclesiastes 9:10; making sure I gave everything I am involved with my very best as required. I am more accommodating, taking on more workload as God has given me this platform and I will use it well to the best of my ability.

However, I am human and as you would expect, I became overwhelmed. I got so swamped with tasks, responsibilities and commitments that they were beginning to impact the quality of my work and relationships. It got really bad one day that I just couldn’t continue my work, I got stuck and the devil started to take advantage of the situation and started putting words and feelings of fear inside of me. The fear of failure, that I am not worthy of God’s love because I could hardly keep up with my devotions and my spiritual responsibilities. But God showed up for me, he reminded me to pray in that moment. I told God I needed his help and it was then I heard clearly in my spirit, where have I put the Holy Spirit in all of these?

In today’s scripture, Jesus is saying to us he has given us the Holy Spirit to HELP us. Emphasis on help. God knows it is only so much that we can do with the human strength and that is why he left us with His Spirit to abide with us at all times. I like the way the Amplified version presented John 14:16-17 with a sub-title called the ‘Role of the Spirit.’

The thing is we forget. We go at everything like we can do it all. Yes, we pray but we go through our day-to-day carrying all of the tasks and responsibilities on our shoulders like we can do it ourselves and we completely forget the role of the Holy Spirit. We forget to delegate and we keep at it, until we can no longer go on. Well, I want to remind you today that you don’t need to wait until you are confused and the devil takes advantage of the situation before you invite the Holy Spirit in. I want you to be reminded of this truth and invite the Holy Spirit in. The best part is that you can invite him into anything you are working on or going through. My workload didn’t disappear but I started getting things done a lot faster. How? Ideas of simpler ways to do the same tasks started flowing in and God mysteriously enabled stakeholders to work out some issues and requests themselves and they didn’t need our input anymore. I started making intentional steps to step away and create time for people and for God. The workload didn’t stop pouring in but, day in, day out, the Holy Spirt helped me to manage it better and above all, the Holy Spirit gave me the confidence and comfort I needed.

God bless,
