Hello Everyone,

May the peace of the Lord be with you, in Jesus name, Amen.

I would like to quickly review today’s YouVersion Daily Refresh because it aligned so well with our topic for #MeditationMonday. It felt almost like a continuation of Monday’s topic and I felt strongly that the Holy Spirit was intentional about it. So, I must share it! I mean, there are no coincidences with God. That is literally the message I’m trying to share today.

On the YouVersion app, today’s verse of the day was taken from John 14:26 (NIV):

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” 

There was a video illustration as part of the materials that explained the person of the Holy Spirit, the presence of God, and how the Spirit of God has empowered and enabled prophets and people centuries ago and He is still doing the same today.

My key takeaway from the devotional is that the Holy Spirit is actively inviting us to be more like Jesus in so many ways that we don’t even realize. Some of those ways that were shared in the devotional are:

  • when we show compassion to others
  • when we are more patient with people
  • when we are generous

These are all examples of the Spirit of God at work in our lives and evidences of his constant presence. Through these mundane behaviours and feelings, the Holy Spirt is in fact enabling and reminding us of our number 1 role model, Jesus. So, if you are like me, who for some reason is feeling distant from God and out of touch with God, guess what, in that moment, you have never been more present with God. It is not a coincidence that you are feeling that way, it is a reminder from the Holy Spirit. God does not do coincidences. So even when we feel far away from His Spirit, that one single feeling is the determining factor that you have the Holy Spirit with you. You have those feelings because His Spirit is with you.

God bless,
