Hello Amazing Reader,

It’s a beautiful day and the beginning of another great week. May all we lay our hands to do in this new week prosper, in Jesus name.  Did you make it to fellowship at church over the weekend? I did and it was awesome 😀

A few weeks ago, my pastor taught from John 10 and today I’ll be sharing with you my highlight from that message.

John 10:27 (Amplified Bible) states, “The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.”

I have always known this scripture, but from that service, it has made more meaning to me and here’s why. My pastor had encouraged us to check YouTube for examples of how sheep respond to strangers vs their real shepherd. I just did this ‘assignment’ yesterday. To my surprise, there are quite a number of videos on the subject, but I like this one

In the video, different people tried to imitate a shepherd. They dressed like him and used similar words like he would to call the sheep, but the sheep wouldn’t budge. They continued their business like no one was calling them. As soon as the actual shepherd called out, using the same words, the sheep came running towards him. They knew the voice of their shepherd, and could not be deceived. (I’ve been thinking to myself, no wonder Jesus used the sheep in this teaching, not goats or any other animal)

There will be strangers attempting to sound like Jesus, the real Shepherd, but how conditioned are our hearts? Can we ignore the noise and only listen and obey the voice of Jesus?

 Since I heard this message, I have been asking God to condition my heart to hear Him more.I want to completely ignore the voice of strangers (no matter how similar it may seem)  and only hear and obey the voice of Jesus, my shepherd.

Is this your desire too?

God’s blessings always,
