Hello Amazing Reader, 

Happy September! Praying you experience the great things God has in store for you in this new month, in Jesus name. 

Today, September 2 is Labour Day in Canada and America; a day to celebrate the contribution of the workforce to the development of these countries. 

As a believer in the workforce, did you know that God has expectations of you?  

Yes, He does. You are an ambassador of Christ in your organization. Therefore, you need to conduct yourself appropriately. 

How can I represent Jesus through my work, you may be wondering. 

Here are some ways: 

Don’t hide your identity: Because of fear of being labelled, some have a tendency to hide their identities as children of God while in the workplace. This should not be so. You may have noticed your colleagues who have other beliefs usually don’t hide it. They could incorporate these into their conversations with you or make reference to it somehow. You could also do likewise. For example, when you are asked about your weekend, you may mention about your time at church, or what you learned. A dear friend told me how she shares her faith in the workplace and I believe you can get a cue from it too. She said whenever a colleague shared a challenge with her, she would empathize with them and ask if she could pray for or with them. This way, they get to know she believes in God and when the answer manifests, they remember that someone prayed for them. Sounds like a great way to share your faith, right? 

Be an excellent employee: As a child of God in the workplace, let excellence be your watchword. Everyone knows the colleague who always meets deadlines, offers support, and delivers great outputs. On the contrary, they know those who often drop the ball. Being a representative of Christ places on you the responsibility to do excellent work. Don’t be a perpetual latecomer, don’t gossip, nor compromise on excellence. People notice the good and the not so good aspects of their colleagues. When you constantly deliver excellence, you become a wonder and people would always ask you how you do it. That could be your cue like Joseph when he appeared before Pharaoh in Genesis 41:16, “And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace.” Joseph had been mentioned before Pharaoh because he had an antecedence of excellence in all he did, including interpreting dreams. 

Even when it seems someone is taking undue advantage of you, remember your work is not unto man, but unto the Lord.  

Colossians 3:23 (Amp),

Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, 

This post isn’t only for those in North America, but for everyone who desires to make Jesus known in their workplace.  I pray God empowers you and I with the spirit of boldness to properly represent Him in all we do, in Jesus name. 

Oh, do you have other ideas on how we can represent Jesus in the workplace? Perhaps, something that works for you? 

Please share in the comments. 

God’s blessings always,
