Hello Dear One,

Trust you are doing amazing and your weekend was well spent?

Wishing ourselves a happy new month is still in order, so happy new month once again πŸ˜‰

Angels- Who are they? Are they real? Do they still make appearances today?

First of , angels are real. Hebrews 1:14 describes them as ministering spirits. It says β€œAre they not all ministering spirits , sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (KJV)

We see how they made appearances to several people in the Scriptures. An example is Zechariah. In Luke 1:13-18, Angel Gabriel announced to him that his wife who had been unable to conceive for so long would bear him a son. He said to Zechariah, β€œ…I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.”

Clearly, God sends angels to minister to the needs of the believers as is illustrated in this scenario. Six months later,  the same Angel Gabriel appears to Mary to announce that she had been chosen to birth the Saviour and to inform her that her cousin, Elizabeth was six months pregnant; Luke 1:26-38

As a born again child of God, you have angels assigned to you by God and you can send them on assignment. They can mobilize things in your favour, they can bring you good news, they can bring you out of prison houses-like they did for Peter; Acts 12:3-19.

One way to release them is by your command. How about you begin to release them in your favour?

God’s blessings always,
