No faith, no believer.

The life of a believer is nothing without faith. In fact, the very essence of our relationship with God is founded on faith and here’s why. We have never seen God in person but at salvation, we receive Him as our savior and ask Him into our hearts; this is an act of faith.

The author of this book in 13 chapters and 302 pages does an excellent job in educating the believer on the need to be faith-full.

According to the author, faith has unlimited power and can be engaged in every aspect of a believer’s life: academics, ministry, family, relationships, business, career,  fruitfulness, healing…you name it. However, this subject of faith is largely misunderstood and has been reduced to mere talk by many believers. Addressing this misconception, Dr Oyedepo says, “faith is hard work.”

 He further enlightens the reader that the proof of your faith in God is in taking steps and not just saying, “I am believing God for this or that”. God will only show up in that situation when he sees that your faith is active. What has God promised you in this season? More importantly, what steps are you taking concerning what God has said to you?

Fortunately, everyone has the responsibility for developing his/her faith as the bible says “…according to your faith be it unto you.” (Matthew 9:29).Thus, it does not rest with your parents, siblings, friends or even your pastor.

This book is one sure way of growing your faith from the barest point to the greatest heights. It is very recommended for you. It sells for about N1,200 / $12 ; depending on where you purchase. The Dominion Publishing House, the publishers of this book have it available for sale online.

Here a few nuggets from this book to whet your appetite:

 “It is not the quantity of your faith that matters but its quality & efficacy.”

“The essence of faith is the generation of proofs.”

“The foolishness of faith is the winning ticket in the race of life.”

“The one and eternal evidence of faith is REST.”

“Whatever God tells you to do, believe it; show that you believe by doing it and God is committed to perform it.”

God’s blessings always,