‘If you have lost anything, God is the reason you have not lost everything.’- Bishop David Oyedepo

It’s a beautiful day, the last day in April 2018; the 120th day of the year.

Sometime ago, I heard Dr Kenneth Copeland say that thanksgiving is the highest level of faith. So profound! Whenever we or someone around us is faced with a challenge, you get responses like, ‘oh, have you prayed about it?’;  ‘maybe you need to exercise more faith.‘ Prayers are great, Faith is excellent but even more potent than any of these is the power of gratitude, thanksgiving and praise.

While faith says and believes, ‘God will do it.’  Praise says, ‘I believe God has done it and I celebrate Him already.’ Prophet Habakkuk understood this mystery. He was faced with numerous contrary situations, yet he chose to praise God. Habakkuk 3:17-19 (The Message) says, ‘Though the cherry trees don’t blossom and the strawberries don’t ripen, Though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields stunted, Though the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns empty, I’m singing joyful praise to GodI’m turning cartwheels of joy to my Savior God. Counting on God’s Rule to prevail, I take heart and gain strength. I run like a deer. I feel like I’m king of the mountain!

Try to create a mental image of these verses.The cheeries won’t grow, the strawberries won’t ripen, worms have eaten up the apples, the wheat fields are stunted,  the sheep and cattle have strayed off leaving the barns empty;yet,Prophet Habakkuk decides to turn cartwheels of joy to God? My goodness, what a response to all the negativity.

Could your situation be anything close to what Prophet Habakkuk experienced? These four months may not have been anything close to what you intended, you may have experienced failures, disappointments, etc but like the Prophet, you should turn cartwheels of joy to God because you are counting on His rule to prevail. Moreover, He is the reason you have not lost everything; so rejoice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The coming months would be greater, Amen.
God’s blessings always,