The ‘Won’t He do it’ thought is probably running through your mind right now and you’re beginning to think up alternatives. Please be patient to read through this post before you settle for the alternatives.

Dear Reader, you must understand that God is God and He cannot be limited by your ‘beautiful’ time piece and ‘accurate’ calendar. He knows the end from the beginning and He’s the most skillful craftsman there is, making things beautiful in His time; Ecclesiastes  3:11

However, just like every parent/guardian loves to watch their child/ward experience the different stages of development and grow into a healthy adult; God is also about your spiritual growth and development. He needs you to develop from crawling to walking; from walking to running (as the case may be).

He really wants you to experience that miracle now but of more importance to Him is your spiritual growth. He needs you to develop your spiritual muscles by exercising your faith. If He keeps dropping your breakthroughs on your laps, you will become an overweight unhealthy baby christian. He needs you to build your faith to the level where He is certain that whatever challenge the devil might attempt to bring in the future, your faith has been built to stand.

Furthermore, a crawling baby is incapacitated to help another crawling baby. If you must be a succor to another believer who is going through what God has brought you out of;  you should have enough capacity to do so.

So, to answer your question; Yes, God will do it. After all, ‘God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?’ (Numbers 23:19, King James Version)

He will most definitely come through for you, rejoice!


God’s blessings always,
