It’s the last day of November! God is soooo good. It’s been a great year, no doubt and in all, God has been faithful.

As we navigate towards the close of 2020, what are your expectations? The President of Living Faith Church worldwide, Bishop David Oyedepo usually says, “What you don’t expect, you can’t experience.”

At elementary and secondary school, my report sheet at the end of every term always had obtainable scores versus obtained scores. While the obtainable scores were 100%, my obtained scores varied, and depended on my performance in every subject area. Regardless of my obtained score, I had the opportunity of hitting the 100% mark, but did I always maximise this? Rarely.

According to God’s design, the end of the year should be characterised with bountiful harvest, and not negativities. Psalm 65:11, (New Living Translation) states, “You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance. “

This scripture lets us in on God’s plan, but how much of the blessings we obtain is dependent on our disposition. Do you believe the end of the year should be laden with evil reports, or a mix of good and bad? Who says you can’t have a deluge of testimonies-one on the heels of another. It is very possible, but it begins with your expectations- expect the best, and your expectations would not be cut short in Jesus name.

God’s blessings always