Hello Amazing One,

Today’s review is dedicated to everyone in a waiting season. God has a message for you through this song.

During a waiting season, everything around you suggests you get worried sick, stressed out and frustrated. There’s a high tendency to throw in the towel. But, regardless of the challenge, you still have a weapon to disarm the devil-your breath.

Psalm 150 commands that everything that has breath praises the Lord. That’s the message of this song.

Breathe…there’s power in the way that we breathe

Release the heavy burden

And let everything that has breath, praise the Lord

This is why we have breath, praise the Lord

Your breath is not to complain or whine. As Jonathan puts it towards the close of the song, any other use that doesn’t glorify God is beneath its original purpose.

If you are reading this, you are definitely breathing. Can you take a moment to praise the Lord!